Saturday, September 4, 2010

When I used to be young...

Today I happened to look through some old photos on my computer. I was amazed at how young and lively I looked back then, when things were going well for me. However, I compare how I look now to how I looked back then, and it's just not quite the same, even though these pictures are only 1-2 years old. I'm a little alarmed to see such change in me.

It was summer of 2008. My family and I had just moved back to our old apartment building, and I had decided to cut my hair short. Later that summer, my parents took a trip to Guatemala for a month, and I had the house all to myself. I was so happy then; it was definitely a new awakening for me.

I believe this was around Fall/ Winter of 2008. My hair grew long again, and I was wearing make-up for the first time.

This was during Spring of 2009. After taking sewing lessons at a program at my job, I began to sew by myself, and I even designed my own mini hat! That was when I was big into the Lolita scene.

Ah, this was Fall of 2009. I was going through my first year at college. I specifically remember that I took this picture on the day of Halloween. I also remember that I was in love for the first time :)

This picture was taken around December of 2009. I was almost done with my first semester in college. Notice I cut my hair in a 20's bobbed style. Around this time, I suddenly became obsessed with silent films, and Clara Bow. Cutting my hair short was a big decision for me, but besides my obsessions, I kind of did it to free myself from all my troubles. It was a new beginning for me.


  1. I remember those days!
    Also thank you SO much for moving back!! :)

    I love the third one and the last one.
    You went through a lot of hairstyles!

    Ah, young Yajaira, so cute!! :D
    Such an inspriation, you will always be!

    Love ya <3

  2. Thanks so much!

    You're very supportive as always :)

    I'm so fortunate to have friends like you guys!

    <3 <3 <3

  3. You welcome!!

    So lucky to have you as a friend!! :D

    <3 <3 <3 <3
